Seeing a young girl riding a green bicycle through the streets of Boston reminded me of an old and obscure Queen song called, Bicycle Race. The lyrics go like this: Bicycle bicycle bicycle I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride it...

I was enjoying a cup of coffee while sitting at a table on the sidewalk outside my local Starbucks and feeling inspired. Mind wandering to a conversation that I had with a friend the other day about the events leading up to the first World War. Very few people remember that it was a complicated set of political issues and alliances that caused the...

Summer is still weeks away, but already one can anticipate its arrival. Hot sun on warm skin. Beads of sweat form. I like what F. Scott Fitzgerald said about Summer: And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with...

I was at the gym today doing a regular workout. I pushed it too hard and was exhausted by the end of it. I got injured — pulled a hamstring. My top lesson learned: don’t go to the gym. Especially on Friday the 13th. It sucks. So I did yoga instead. Keeping a yoga practice may be an effective method stay, to reduce stress...

Today is Friday the 13th, which always kind of freaks me out. It’s a bit of a spooky and scary day, but mostly seen as unlucky by most. Did you know that every year has at least one Friday the 13th, but never more than three? This year, there is only one and I’m just fine with that. I’m not afraid of Friday the...

Did you know that May 12 is Limerick Day? Nope, neither did I. But it is. The day of May 12 is also the birthday of Edward Lear, who was one of the champions of this lighthearted and fun Irish form of poetry. The limerick first gained popularity in Lear’s work, Book of Nonsense, and it’s several sequels. A few fun limericks to enjoy…...

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