Elasha the Elf Wizard

Elasha was an elf wizard who lived in the bustling city of Pearlwood. She was tall, blonde, and strikingly beautiful, but carried herself with a mean streak that was nastier than a hobgoblin with a stubbed toe. Elasha was in her late teens, and had been a wizard for almost a decade. She was one of the most powerful wizards in the kingdom and had helped countless people in need over the years.
That all changed when she turned eighteen. Elasha was finally of age to take the Oath, and she eagerly stepped up to take her rightful place as an official member of the Order. She was met by a group of wizards who would serve as her personal guardians, and who would teach her everything she needed to know in order to become a fully-fledged mage.
The guardians were all very skilled and knowledgeable wizards in their own right. Each of them was an expert in their particular discipline, and could help Elasha with anything she needed. Elasha had a very diverse range of skills. She was a wizard, but she had also received the best education available for someone of her station, and so she had an exceptional amount of knowledge in several other subjects as well.
One of the most interesting aspects of her life was her history. Elasha’s father, King Jerron, was the ruler of Pearlwood. The people of the city were so grateful to him that he had become somewhat of a folk hero among them. The people were so fond of him that they had even begun referring to him as the ‘King of Pearls’. His daughter had been born to the Queen, and so she had inherited his blood.
The King was a well-liked and well-loved person among all his subjects, and there was no doubt that the citizens of Pearlwood would love to see their King’s daughter take up the Oath. Everyone was excited for her, and it was obvious that Elasha was proud of being the only member of her family to take the Oath. She was determined to show everyone what the wizards of the Order were capable of, and she had a special interest in magic.
Elasha had a unique history for a member of the Order. Her mother had been an ordinary mage, but she had been gifted with the blood of a dragon. Dragons were long-lived and extremely powerful beings who were usually more concerned with their own pursuits rather than anything else. Elasha’s mother had never really cared about being a mage, and so she had never bothered to learn anything about it. She had not even tried to learn how to use the gift she was born with, and had just gone about her life like a normal person.

This had all changed when she met the King of Pearls. She fell madly in love with him at first sight, and she decided to leave her home and live with him in his city. They were married shortly thereafter. The King had fallen madly in love with her as well, but he knew that her gift was special, and he wanted to use it to benefit his kingdom. He gave her all kinds of books on magic that he had read and learned himself, and told her to learn everything that they contained.
Her gift was very unique. It was the ability to breathe fire. It was not a very useful ability by itself, but the dragon who had given it to her could breath lightning as well. The dragon was named Dragonfang, and she was an extremely powerful wizard. Her breath weapon had a very wide range, and it was capable of doing serious damage to anyone it touched. Dragonfang had died many years ago, and she had never been able to learn how to use her breath weapon.
Her gift was also highly unpredictable. The first time she used her breath weapon was when she saw the King fighting off an enemy who wanted to kidnap her. She had managed to kill the kidnapper, but in doing so she had accidentally killed a child that had been with him. The people of the city were very upset at this, but the King insisted that this was what had saved her life and that they should be thankful for the gift that had been given to her. Elasha was just as upset about what happened as everyone else, but she knew that there was no way she could ever go back on her decision to become a wizard.
The next time she used her breath weapon, Elasha accidentally burned down a shop when she used it on a mug that was too hot. This incident had led to her being exiled from Pearlwood and sent to live with an old wizard friend in the kingdom’s capital city. She had been there for two years, and she had learned many new things from her host. He was one of the few wizards who knew how to use Elasha’s gift, and she had been eager to learn more.
One day she had discovered something interesting while he was teaching her to use her gift. It seemed that if she wanted to learn how to use her breath weapon properly, she would have to find a dragon and learn how they breathed their fire. Dragons were very rare creatures, and those who did exist tended to be very powerful wizards and mages. They were usually extremely self-centred, and they would never teach anyone else to use their powers. Dragons did not tend to be very trusting of others either. They did not like strangers who wanted to learn how to use their power, but they would be more likely to teach someone who could help them achieve their own goals.
The old wizard had told her that he would try to find someone who could teach her how to control her gift. If he succeeded, she could return to Pearlwood and become the only elf wizard in the kingdom. If he failed, then she could still be of use to the kingdom by becoming an adventurer, and maybe even learn some magic from someone else along the way. He had also suggested that it might be best for her if she were not alone if she was going to learn about magic from another dragon, as dragons were not the friendliest creatures in the world.
The old wizard had found someone willing to help her after much searching, and now here she was ready to take up the Oath of the Order. Her guardians were a mage named Fjorn, who had taught her how to cast spells; a monk named Hronn, who had taught her how to fight; and an elven archer named Adal, who had taught her about stealth and spying. They would be with her for the rest of her life, and she was certain that they would never betray her trust. She would trust them with her life, and they would do the same for her.
The guardians had all agreed that taking the Oath was something that they should do together as a group. They would take it at the same time, and would swear their loyalty to her as well as the kingdom. She knew that the people of the city would love it if she took up the Oath at their celebration, but she felt that this might not be appropriate. She wanted to take the Oath as quietly and as privately as possible so as not to draw any attention to herself. That would be disrespectful to the memory of her father, and so she would wait until the next celebration before she would take the Oath.
The next celebration would be held in a few months time, which would allow Elasha to travel to the capital city where her friends lived. The journey would be long and difficult, but it was worth it to her if it meant learning more about magic.
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