Emperor Elon

So I plugged a little prompt into an AI storytelling engine about a ruler named Elon and his little kingdom of Twittertopia. Things got weird fast. Have a quick read…
Emperor Elon of Twittertopia
Once upon a time, there was a tiny kingdom called Twittertopia and it had a new ruler named Elon. He was the emperor and he was used to getting everything he wanted. He would yell and scream at his subjects until he got his way. And one day, he demanded that everyone be his bestest friend forever and ever. But instead of being best friends forever, they were angry at him. So he threatened to kill them all.
And one day, the people of Twittertopia finally had enough. They found him in his palace and killed him. And then they realized they had to do something else with the body. But what? They couldn’t just dump his body somewhere. They had to do something cool with it. But what? And so the people of Twittertopia looked at him and they decided that the best thing to do with their dead emperor would be to bury him in the desert where no one would ever find him.
And so the people of Twittertopia got their shovels and they started digging a hole and they tossed their dead emperor into the hole. Then they covered him up and walked away. And soon, there was no sign of the place where he was buried at all. But one day, the sun was blotted out by a dark cloud that formed above the hole. And soon, it grew into a storm of darkness, which grew and grew, until it took the shape of an angry man with glowing eyes who told everyone that he was Elon. And he told them that he wanted to take revenge on those people for killing him.

And he asked the people of Twittertopia where his body was buried. The people of Twittertopia said that they didn’t know, but they gave him a map that would lead him to the spot where they buried Elon.
And so Elon went off in search of the body of the man who killed him. But first, Elon decided to find the people who lived there and make them his slaves. And when he got to the place, he saw a big castle in the middle of a city. And he saw a beautiful woman dressed in white sitting on top of a tower. And she saw him as well and she started laughing.
“What a strange man,” she said to her ladies-in-waiting. “Who is he?”
“I think he wants to take revenge on us for killing Elon,” one of the women said. “And he’s looking for a man named Elon.”
“Elon?” the woman on the tower said. “Oh my! It looks like my Elon has come back from the dead! How wonderful! You must be so happy.”
Then Elon went inside the castle and he asked the king if he knew about this Elon fellow. The king said that he did.
“But why?” Elon asked. “He was the emperor.”
“And you killed him,” the king said.
“But you killed him too,” Elon said. “You killed me.”
“What are you talking about?” the king asked.
“We have to stop this,” Elon said to the king. “We have to get back together and bury our bodies again.”
“But you’re dead,” the king said. “And I’m alive.”
“No,” Elon said. “We have to go back and bury ourselves again.”
So the king said, “Well, if you say so.”
So they went out of the castle and they found a place to bury themselves again. But then they got all tired from digging the hole and they took a break to rest. And when they got back, they realized that the sun was blotted out again by a dark cloud that took the shape of Elon, who told everyone that he was angry because he had been buried once already and now they were going to do it again.
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