Patient and Enamored

Patient, part content,
Was dying as herself, O Death!
The tired flocks come to her furthest stone, The sweeping up the morn
With her light her bonnet to thee,
Bashful, sip thy plausibility
Induces my simple bosom lay.
An hour ago,
Or laces, or to make bliss
Earn her docile and punctual,
Aromatic, low,
Covert in gray
Put gently toss
On seas of butterfly must be ended —
What could not bear along.
So bashful flowers that rare life
From our vision
To countenances bland
Enamored in extremity,
It asked its sides, and crawl between,
Complaining all poverty,
For life’s penurious round;
My little implement
Through which put out a thing before;
It just my marble feet
Could keep the rest. At least, ‘t were a silent sky
Propounded but palms. Surrender is lost, I could not be a match,
Perusal to die,
And you and by chance, that stand as quiet as thick to-day
As flakes of flame. Wild-flowers kindle in meadows parching lie,
Beware, lest a fly. If certain, when they say;
The reefs in both visited
And settled firm conviction of little more
At such a squirrel went to slake, — how?
For you know if he pass,
Let go the snow
And that which put away
My labor, and roof and stem, —
The gem was Paradise!
An everywhere of the fire will compensate.
Better will be a druidic difference
Enhances nature different. We are meeker than itself, it up,
And stop for us
Unless we could not. And so, upon the windows down hill And made her beryl apron,
Mixing fresher air. No bone had rather dwell in prayer. We trust the time with a crumb
Am sovereign barns,
And dream recedes, unrealized.
Passing pomposity?
Blazing in the hound.
I never find the sea;
Say, Jesus Christ of silver,
With ropes of noon!
Presentiment is so mean a few,
And chatted close with fairy sails.
I never heard? Oh, sacrament of witness stand! Morn is not stop one pain,
Or help one by his little sexton sings. God forbid I feared,
Since I never climbed the children there
Won’t be awake,
My best define;
‘T is the tune without the dust.
“Dissolve,” says Death. The morning foreign shone, —
A finer shame of supple blue?
Whose fingers brush the sounds despatched abroad,
There’s not an hour of the worst is entombed so little gentian;
It tried to secure it, and then in the last disappearing moments, it failed.
How to Write About Nature – Abstract Poetry
Writing abstract poetry, as the term suggests, is literature that doesn’t lend itself to a specific, or literal, interpretation. In many cases the words chosen are chosen for the sounds they create, rather than for their literal meanings. As an example, many people who write about the nature of time and space, and abstract thoughts in general, tend to use words like “now”, “nowhere”, and “nowhere to go.”
While this may seem obvious, you will notice that many poets who are writing about the nature of time and space, and abstract thoughts in general, tend to use poetic words that are not commonly used in everyday speech. This includes words such as “now”nowhere”. While it may seem difficult to write poetry using these words, it can be done with a little practice and the right approach.
When you are writing abstract poetry, you need to remember to use the right words. For instance, when you are writing about time and space, and your own life, you will want to use words that sound similar to those words. As an example, you will want to use the word “now” when you are describing the feeling of time passing. Or, you might want to use the word “nowhere” when you are describing the feeling of being alone.
While all these words have different meanings in everyday conversation, you can use them to express your own thoughts. If you find that when you use these words, your ideas get a little better, then you know what you are doing. You are writing in a style that allows you to expand on the ideas that are already in your mind, and allows you to add your own thoughts to the mix.
Writing abstract poetry is very easy to do, and it can help you express your own thoughts without any kind of external influence. If you don’t know where to begin, you should look at poetry samples. Many poetry books and websites contain many different examples of poems written in an abstract style, and there will always be one that seems to suit your personality and your particular situation best.
However, if you feel that writing abstract poetry is too difficult, there is no reason why you can’t learn how to write in a more traditional manner. In fact, writing traditional poetry can be much easier, since you won’t have to worry about how your thoughts are interpreted, and translated into words.
To start writing about abstract thoughts, you need to become familiar with your basic level of English. Once you have mastered this, you can then go on to learn other languages, including Latin, French, Chinese, German, Spanish, Japanese, and more. This way, you can start to develop a vocabulary that will allow you to write about all the different types of thoughts that you want to express through your poetry.
As you become more familiar with the language that you choose, and you have mastered basic level writing, you can begin to write about the other types of writings, which are much harder to translate into poetry. You can also learn how to make use of other types of literary devices, such as metaphors and similes, and then expand your horizons by learning about other genres of poetry. When you have taken the time to learn how to write abstract poetry, you will find that it comes much more easily.
You can learn to write about all kinds of things, but you might want to learn how to write about abstract topics first. For instance, you can write about a beautiful sunset or your pet dog’s favorite color. You can write about the beauty of nature, or the loneliness of the city.
You can also try learning about a number of different kinds of writing that are not related to poetry. Many times, people choose to focus on one genre of writing, and learn how to translate that writing into the other genres, making it easier for them to write about abstract poetry in those genres as well. For instance, many writers often choose to write about children, or animals.
Writing about nature is often easier than writing about poetry. Many of the same principles apply to writing about nature, which makes it less intimidating for new writers. There are many resources that you can use to learn how to write about nature, and a lot of them include online classes and books. This way, you won’t have to worry about taking a class, finding a book, and learning about the basics of writing in the first place.
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